Primafila Shines at BCP 2015
Winning gold twice, Primafila AG is among the top-ten companies and the Swiss forerunner at the 2015 Best of Corporate Publishing (BCP) Awards.
At the 13th edition of Best of Corporate Publishing (BCP) in Munich on June 18, Primafila AG won two Gold Awards, making it the only Swiss company to do so (with a total of six Gold Awards going to five different Swiss service providers) and the BCP frontrunner in Switzerland. Primafila further secured a placement among the top-ten companies of a total of 242 who submitted publications from eleven countries. Primafila was also decorated with three Silver Awards for film and print projects by Siemens AG (Living Energy and urbanDNA).Primafila won one of the Gold Awards together with its customer Bystronic Laser AG for the international employee magazine BystronicPeople, published in English, German and Chinese, which the two companies launched eleven years ago. The second Gold Award was for the cross-media solutions developed by Primafila and Siemens AG for Living Energy, a print and online magazine published in English and Chinese that also produces films, a blog and an app. The prize-winning publicatons are both designed by Primafila’s business partner, independent Medien-Design in Munich.
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